Greek Letters 2.5 Stencil Set
Each letter is approx. 4cm Square Stencil Holder is not included. Find it here!
Each letter is approx. 4cm Square Stencil Holder is not included. Find it here!
The dimension refers to size of the stencil design! Square Stencil Holder is not included. Find it here!
Black areas are the OPEN areas on the stencil. Overall stencil size is approx. 15c. Stencils are made with a food contact safe fda/food grade. CookieCutterHub watermark will not appear on the final product.
Black areas are the OPEN areas on the stencil. Overall stencil size is approx. 15c. Stencils are made with a food contact safe fda/food grade. CookieCutterHub watermark will not appear on the final product.
Black areas are the OPEN areas on the stencil. Overall stencil size is approx. 15c. Stencils are made with a food contact safe fda/food grade. CookieCutterHub watermark will not appear on the final product.
Black areas are the OPEN areas on the stencil. Overall stencil size is approx. 15c. Stencils are made with a food contact safe fda/food grade. CookieCutterHub watermark will not appear on the final product.
Black areas are the OPEN areas on the stencil. Overall stencil size is approx. 15c. Stencils are made with a food contact safe fda/food grade. CookieCutterHub watermark will not appear on the final product.
Black areas are the OPEN areas on the stencil. Overall stencil size is approx. 15c. Stencils are made with a food contact safe fda/food grade. CookieCutterHub watermark will not appear on the final product.
Black areas are the OPEN areas on the stencil. Overall stencil size is approx. 15c. Stencils are made with a food contact safe fda/food grade. CookieCutterHub watermark will not appear on the final product.
Black areas are the OPEN areas on the stencil. Overall stencil size is approx. 15c. Stencils are made with a food contact safe fda/food grade. CookieCutterHub watermark will not appear on the final product.
T : 0030 - 2106654306
E : Info@Cookiecutterhub.Com
A : Mesologgiou 32, Glyka Nera,
Postal Code 15354, Athens, Greece
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